Salesforce DX and VSCode

Install VSCode

  1. Download the Visual Studio Code

  2. Run the installer

Install Salesforce DX CLI

  1. Download the Salesforce DX CLI

  2. Run the installer

Installing Salesforce Extensions for VSCode

Install Java Standard Edition Development Kit 8

  1. Confirm Java is properly installed by locating its installation directory, e.g. C:\Program Files\Amazon Corretto\jdk11.0.8_10

Configure Java Home Setting for Apex Support

Next we need to set the setting to point the Java installation directory.

  1. In Visual Studio Code, click File > Preferences > Settings

  2. Enter apex java in the search box, then under the Salesforcedx-vscode-apex > Java

  3. Change the setting to the full path to your Java installation directory identified in the previous step. Note that for Visual Studio Code settings, the backslashes must be escaped (\\) but forward slashes (/) don’t.

Other Extensions to Install

Updating the Salesforce DX CLI

Using the command line run:

sfdx update


Last updated