
Putting logic into your triggers creates un-testable, difficult-to-maintain code.

Best-practice is to move trigger logic into a handler class. This pattern take it a step further moving each each action into an Operation class of it's own, improving separation of concerns and test ability.

Opportunity Trigger

trigger OpportunityTrigger on Opportunity (before insert, before update) {
    new OpportunityTriggerHandler().run();

Example Trigger Handler Example

Notice the Trigger__c custom setting, this is used to easily enable or disable the trigger.

public without sharing class OpportunityTriggerHandler extends TriggerHandler {

    public override void beforeUpdate() {

        if (isTriggerEnabled()) {
            new OpportunityActionOperation(Trigger.oldMap, Trigger.newMap).execute();

    private Boolean isTriggerEnabled() {
        return Triggers__c.getOrgDefaults().Opportunity_Trigger__c;

Here are all of the methods that you can override. All of the context possibilities are supported.

  • beforeInsert()

  • beforeUpdate()

  • beforeDelete()

  • afterInsert()

  • afterUpdate()

  • afterDelete()

  • afterUndelete()

Opportunity Trigger Operation Example

Notice the Trigger__c custom settings, this is used to easily enable or disable this specific operation.

public with sharing class OpportunityActionOperation {

    private Map<Id, Opportunity> oldMap;
    private Map<Id, Opportunity> newMap;

    public OpportunityActionOperation(Map<Id, SObject> oldMap, Map<Id, SObject> newMap) {
        this.oldMap = (Map<Id, Opportunity>) oldMap;
        this.newMap = (Map<Id, Opportunity>) newMap;
    public void execute() {
        if (IsEnabled()) {
            // do something
    private Boolean isEnabled() {
        return Triggers__c.getOrgDefaults().Opportunity_Action_Operation__c;

Trigger Handler base class

A minimal trigger framework for your Salesforce Apex Triggers by Kevin O'Hara

public virtual class TriggerHandler {
    // static map of handlername, times run() was invoked
    private static Map<String, LoopCount> loopCountMap;
    private static Set<String> bypassedHandlers;
    // the current context of the trigger, overridable in tests
    private TriggerContext context;
    // the current context of the trigger, overridable in tests
    private Boolean isTriggerExecuting;
    // static initialization
    static {
        loopCountMap = new Map<String, LoopCount>();
        bypassedHandlers = new Set<String>();
    // constructor
    public TriggerHandler() {
    * public instance methods
    // main method that will be called during execution
    public void run() {
        if(!validateRun()) return;
        // dispatch to the correct handler method
        if(this.context == TriggerContext.BEFORE_INSERT) {
        } else if(this.context == TriggerContext.BEFORE_UPDATE) {
        } else if(this.context == TriggerContext.BEFORE_DELETE) {
        } else if(this.context == TriggerContext.AFTER_INSERT) {
        } else if(this.context == TriggerContext.AFTER_UPDATE) {
        } else if(this.context == TriggerContext.AFTER_DELETE) {
        } else if(this.context == TriggerContext.AFTER_UNDELETE) {
    public void setMaxLoopCount(Integer max) {
        String handlerName = getHandlerName();
        if(!TriggerHandler.loopCountMap.containsKey(handlerName)) {
            TriggerHandler.loopCountMap.put(handlerName, new LoopCount(max));
        } else {
    public void clearMaxLoopCount() {
    * public static methods
    public static void bypass(String handlerName) {
    public static void clearBypass(String handlerName) {
    public static Boolean isBypassed(String handlerName) {
        return TriggerHandler.bypassedHandlers.contains(handlerName);
    public static void clearAllBypasses() {
    * private instancemethods
    private void setTriggerContext() {
        this.setTriggerContext(null, false);
    private void setTriggerContext(String ctx, Boolean testMode) {
        if(!Trigger.isExecuting && !testMode) {
            this.isTriggerExecuting = false;
        } else {
            this.isTriggerExecuting = true;
        if((Trigger.isExecuting && Trigger.isBefore && Trigger.isInsert) ||
           (ctx != null && ctx == 'before insert')) {
               this.context = TriggerContext.BEFORE_INSERT;
           } else if((Trigger.isExecuting && Trigger.isBefore && Trigger.isUpdate) ||
                     (ctx != null && ctx == 'before update')){
                         this.context = TriggerContext.BEFORE_UPDATE;
                     } else if((Trigger.isExecuting && Trigger.isBefore && Trigger.isDelete) ||
                               (ctx != null && ctx == 'before delete')) {
                                   this.context = TriggerContext.BEFORE_DELETE;
                               } else if((Trigger.isExecuting && Trigger.isAfter && Trigger.isInsert) ||
                                         (ctx != null && ctx == 'after insert')) {
                                             this.context = TriggerContext.AFTER_INSERT;
                                         } else if((Trigger.isExecuting && Trigger.isAfter && Trigger.isUpdate) ||
                                                   (ctx != null && ctx == 'after update')) {
                                                       this.context = TriggerContext.AFTER_UPDATE;
                                                   } else if((Trigger.isExecuting && Trigger.isAfter && Trigger.isDelete) ||
                                                             (ctx != null && ctx == 'after delete')) {
                                                                 this.context = TriggerContext.AFTER_DELETE;
                                                             } else if((Trigger.isExecuting && Trigger.isAfter && Trigger.isUndelete) ||
                                                                       (ctx != null && ctx == 'after undelete')) {
                                                                           this.context = TriggerContext.AFTER_UNDELETE;
    // increment the loop count
    private void addToLoopCount() {
        String handlerName = getHandlerName();
        if(TriggerHandler.loopCountMap.containsKey(handlerName)) {
            Boolean exceeded = TriggerHandler.loopCountMap.get(handlerName).increment();
            if(exceeded) {
                Integer max = TriggerHandler.loopCountMap.get(handlerName).max;
                throw new TriggerHandlerException('Maximum loop count of ' + String.valueOf(max) + ' reached in ' + handlerName);
    // make sure this trigger should continue to run
    private Boolean validateRun() {
        if(!this.isTriggerExecuting || this.context == null) {
            throw new TriggerHandlerException('Trigger handler called outside of Trigger execution');
        if(TriggerHandler.bypassedHandlers.contains(getHandlerName())) {
            return false;
        return true;
    private String getHandlerName() {
        return String.valueOf(this).substring(0,String.valueOf(this).indexOf(':'));
    * context methods
    // context-specific methods for override
    protected virtual void beforeInsert(){}
    protected virtual void beforeUpdate(){}
    protected virtual void beforeDelete(){}
    protected virtual void afterInsert(){}
    protected virtual void afterUpdate(){}
    protected virtual void afterDelete(){}
    protected virtual void afterUndelete(){}
    * inner classes
    // inner class for managing the loop count per handler
    private class LoopCount {
        private Integer max;
        private Integer count;
        public LoopCount() {
            this.max = 5;
            this.count = 0;
        public LoopCount(Integer max) {
            this.max = max;
            this.count = 0;
        public Boolean increment() {
            return this.exceeded();
        public Boolean exceeded() {
            if(this.max < 0) return false;
            if(this.count > this.max) {
                return true;
            return false;
        public Integer getMax() {
            return this.max;
        public Integer getCount() {
            return this.count;
        public void setMax(Integer max) {
            this.max = max;
    // possible trigger contexts
    private enum TriggerContext {
    // exception class
    public class TriggerHandlerException extends Exception {}

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