Unit Testing

The Arrange, Act and Assert (AAA) Pattern

The AAA (Arrange-Act-Assert) pattern has become almost a standard across the industry. It suggests that you should divide your test method into three sections: arrange, act and assert. Each one of them only responsible for the part in which they are named after.

public static void methodName_StateUnderTest_ExpectedBehavior() {
    // arrange
    Account person = AccountTestDataFactory.createAccount();
    AccountService service = new AccountService();
    Boolean expected = false;
    // act
    Boolean actual = service.doSomething(account);
    // assert
    System.assertEquals(expected, actual);   

Test Method Naming

Use the following test method naming methodName_stateUnderTest_expectedBehavior

public static void isAdult_ageLessThan18_false() {


public static void withdrawMoney_invalidAccount_exceptionThrown() {


public static void admitStudent_missingMandatoryFields_failToAdmit() {


Test Coverage vs Code Coverage

Focus on testing the code functions correctly rather than getting greater than 75% coverage

Test Data Factories

Create a TestDataFactory class per object, and insert the object and return the Id


public without sharing class AccountTestDataFactory {

    public static Id create() {
        Account company = new Account();
        company.Name = 'Acme Inc';
        insert company
        return company.Id;
    public static Set<Id> createMultiple() {

By having a single TestDataFactory per object, we avoid very large general classes which caused issues when merging.

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