The Rules

Running the development using a branching model requires following these rules to maintain integrity in the metadata.

  • No changes in production

  • Use sandbox and hotfix branch to do production changes

  • Use sandbox and feature branch to develop new features

    • Use branching strategy within a feature branch if it is required to be long running

  • Adhere to branch merging rules

    • Main -> Develop (hotfixes)

    • Develop -> Release (release candidate)

    • Release -> Main (agreed release)

    • Hotfix -> Main (production change)

    • Feature -> Develop (completed features)

  • CI jobs deploy Git branches into Production, UAT and Develop Salesforce Org

Getting Started

Becoming a super hero is a fairly straight forward process:

$ give me super-powers

Super-powers are granted randomly so please submit an issue if you're not happy with yours.

Once you're strong enough, save the world:
# Ain't no code for that yet, sorry
echo 'You got to trust me on this, I saved the world'

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